Home PRODUCTSAPPLICATIONS Propeller Announces New Machine Tracking System, DirtMate, That Collects Productivity Data in Real Time

Propeller Announces New Machine Tracking System, DirtMate, That Collects Productivity Data in Real Time

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Propeller, a global leader in drone surveying and 3D mapping solutions, announced that they are starting the beta phase for their new product, DirtMate, an innovative machine tracking system that delivers survey-grade progress and productivity data as often as users need it.

DirtMate sensors fill in the blind spots that occur between surveys with real-time data. After a quick, wireless installation, they get to work collecting RTK GPS and IMU information that is available for immediate access. And, the simplicity doesn’t stop there—DirtMate sensors can run on solar power, or can be wired into the machine.

The data stream feeds directly into the Propeller Platform, which converts the data into live 3D surfaces. Worksites can use this information to generate cut and fill heatmaps, utilization graphs, and progress-to-design measurements.

For the first time ever, site supervisors know what headway their team is making, where it is being made, and have a timestamp of the exact moment the work was complete.

“For us, DirtMate is a huge, proud moment, and in many ways, a culmination of our learnings from all our customers,” says Rory San Miguel, Propeller CEO and co-founder. “Working to capture progress data from each machine, as the machine’s active, is the natural evolution for us and our customers. They now have a single, simple place for all their worksite survey data.”

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