Home DRONE NEWSCOLLOBRATIONS ANSL and Skyports partner on CAA innovation sandbox project

ANSL and Skyports partner on CAA innovation sandbox project

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Air Navigation Solutions (ANSL) announced on 26th October 2022 that it had joined hands with Skyports Drone Services in the Civil Aviation Authority's (CAA) Sandbox, which provides many companies with a space in which they can test innovative airspace solutions. The partnership between air traffic management provider ANSL and drone operations company Skyports Drone Services aims to develop plans to create the UK's first low-level Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ) west of Scotland. The project's main aim is to provide safe, efficient and equitable access for all airspace users. This includes both crewed and uncrewed aircraft. Both these services are working with the CAA Innovation team to create an operational safety case of Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations. By doing so, before they formally submit for approval, they can develop their plans for the TMZ operation and explore regulatory views and the feasibility of the proposal. The ATM Operations Specialist at ANSL, Vicki Hughes, said, "We are excited to continue our work with the CAA's innovation team. This will allow us the space to build on our innovative paths with Skyports and to have expert reviews while evolving our safety work. This initiative delivers on a key part of the Government's aviation strategy to ensure new technology is integrated safely, securely, and sustainably." ANSL has proven itself, and its track record of delivering air traffic management in Scotland is anything short of remarkable. ANSL has been the air traffic control provider for Edinburgh airport since 2018. Skyports Drone Services is quite experienced in operating BVLOS drone flights in Scotland. Previously, the company has also performed multiple test flights and projects in the Bute and Argyll regions. Currently, they are also working on a project in the east with Angus Council and the NHS.

Air Navigation Solutions (ANSL) announced on 26th October 2022 that it had joined hands with Skyports Drone Services in the Civil Aviation Authority’s (CAA) Sandbox, which provides many companies with a space in which they can test innovative airspace solutions.

The partnership between air traffic management provider ANSL and drone operations company Skyports Drone Services aims to develop plans to create the UK’s first low-level Transponder Mandatory Zone (TMZ) west of Scotland. The project’s main aim is to provide safe, efficient and equitable access for all airspace users. This includes both crewed and uncrewed aircraft.

Both these services are working with the CAA Innovation team to create an operational safety case of Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) operations. By doing so, before they formally submit for approval, they can develop their plans for the TMZ operation and explore regulatory views and the feasibility of the proposal.

The ATM Operations Specialist at ANSL, Vicki Hughes, said, “We are excited to continue our work with the CAA’s innovation team. This will allow us the space to build on our innovative paths with Skyports and to have expert reviews while evolving our safety work. This initiative delivers on a key part of the Government’s aviation strategy to ensure new technology is integrated safely, securely, and sustainably.”

ANSL has proven itself, and its track record of delivering air traffic management in Scotland is anything short of remarkable. ANSL has been the air traffic control provider for Edinburgh airport since 2018.

Skyports Drone Services is quite experienced in operating BVLOS drone flights in Scotland. Previously, the company has also performed multiple test flights and projects in the Bute and Argyll regions. Currently, they are also working on a project in the east with Angus Council and the NHS.

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