Home DRONE NEWSLATEST NEWS SKELDAR V-200 Performs One of the First Detect and Avoid System Demonstrations as part of SESAR Programme

SKELDAR V-200 Performs One of the First Detect and Avoid System Demonstrations as part of SESAR Programme

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SKELDAR V-200 Performs One of the First Detect and Avoid System Demonstrations as part of SESAR Programme

UMS SEKLDAR, Europe’s leading provider of Rotary Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), is celebrating yet another significant landmark for its flagship SKELDAR V-200 after it successfully performed live flight demonstrations using an innovative Detect and Avoid System. The system is capable of automatically maneuvering the UA around intruder aircraft. The system encountered both cooperative and non-cooperative collision course scenarios, and its demonstrations have proven the system’s capability. This development led by Saab is considered a key milestone as part of the European Detect and Avoid System Development.

SKELDAR V-200’s onboard Detect and Avoid (DAA) System has proven to be powerful when demonstrated. The system which is used is based on the European DAA concept and technology. It was under development for many years for both military and civil use. The European Defence Funds Program (EUDAAS) is further developing this program. As part of the European future of air traffic management program, SESAR, it is being validated. Currently, the system is being standardized by the European Organisation for operations. The main of the entire effort taken to run this project is to have a complete working solution with global interoperability.

The SESAR Joint Undertaking (JU) has funded the project under grant agreement No 874474. The project also received significant support and funding from Saab and national research and developmental funds. It is the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program that is supporting the JU.

Björn Sjögren, the UMS SKELDAR’s DAA program manager, said, “The Detect and Avoid System is an important step towards the integration of operating several air vehicles, manned and unmanned, in the same airspace which will enable numerous applications in the future where it will play a key role in the civilian law enforcement and military sectors.”

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