Home Business Air Force Accelerates CUAS Technology Adoption with Citadel Defense Contract

Air Force Accelerates CUAS Technology Adoption with Citadel Defense Contract

by Editor

The United States Air Force (USAF) has awarded Citadel Defense another contract valued up to $1.5M in an effort to tap the fast-paced innovation of the startup world to protect servicemen, servicewomen, and critical assets from drone threats. The USAF will use Citadel’s proven counter drone technology, Titan, to provide airspace awareness, force protection, and maintain safety of flight for major air shows, bases, and dynamic Air National Guard missions.

Citadel’s CEO, Christopher Williams, explained the impact of the drone threat to national security and the safety of servicemen and servicewomen. “Weaponized drones are being employed on the modern battlefield by adversaries. Threat drones are creating significant national security risks to high-value assets given their ability to conduct illicit surveillance and execute cyber-attacks. The need for effective and reliable counter drone technology is critical today.”

Citadel uses targeted electronic countermeasures and artificial intelligence to detect, identify, and defeat threat drones while minimizing collateral effects to communications. This mission-enhancing capability has been requested by military services for over a decade. With Citadel’s Titan, warfighters, base commanders, and Security Forces can defeat drones without disrupting tactical communications like legacy Electronic Warfare Jamming equipment would.

USAF’s decision to award Citadel’s contract is based on deep technical validation, combat operational assessments, and mission-enhancing deployments. When it comes to fighting enemy and threat drones, the military and U.S. government must field systems that can work in a variety of environments – Citadel’s Titan ability to limit electromagnetic spectrum impact offers superior advantages.

Williams explains the significance of USAF capturing innovation of small business. “Through the AFWERX program, Citadel synchronized counter-drone requirements across U.S. military, government, and commercial stakeholders. Operators on the front lines, U.S. government, and taxpayers benefit from Citadel’s cost-efficient, operationally effective, and scalable CUAS solution available today.”

Under AFWERX’s contract, Citadel is eligible for Sole Source Awards and Rapid Acquisition from any U.S. Government agency to respond to urgent warfighter requirements.

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